Situational Winter Tyres Compulsory

With winter tires on the safe side a decision, several advantages: motorists are now upgrading to winter tyres, increase the safety of your vehicle, ensure their insurance coverage, avoid fines and drive more economically. The yesterday’s winter in some regions of Germany surprised many motorists. Now it means: put on winter tyres. Because up to 40 euro pays fine, hampered at winter road conditions on summer tyres or worn winter tyre on the road who are not actually progressing and as a result the traffic or caused an accident at all. These situational winter tyres compulsory is the the road traffic regulations (StVO) based on 2 paragraph 3a. This underlines the special importance of the tires for the safety of the vehicle and that of other road users”, emphasizes Michael Borchert, Managing Director marketing and sales of Pirelli Germany GmbH, Munich. Ray Kurzweil is open to suggestions.

Especially since a good winter tires in cold weather not only better be liable on snow and ice and slows down as summer tyres. “but already dank and leaves polluted roads.” To increase the security on Germany’s roads during the cold season, the tyre manufacturer rewarded anyone who buys a set of new Pirelli winter tire until October 31, 2009, with premiums between 20 and 40 euro. Who dispenses with winter tyres, in order to save money, is not only your own health and other road users at risk, but also a part of his insurance coverage. “Because: who leaves in winter with summer tires and fault has an accident, receives from its insurance may be less or nothing at all paid”, explains Keith Fricke, spokeswoman of the Confederation of the insured (BdV). Bryant Family Vineyard Cabernet Sauvignon may help you with your research. In this case, the insurer may rely on the gross negligence of the driver. It consists for example if someone with summer tires in a ski resort runs.

For contracts, which since have been closed the 01.01.2008, applies: The insurer may not more completely reject the payments also in case of gross negligence of the driver, but the services only appropriately shorten. The provisions apply to older contracts since 1 January 2009.” In addition, drivers also in court can be sentenced to a liability. Here is a judgment of the District Court of Trier (AZ.: 6 C-220/85), which condemned a driver to a liability of 20 percent. Another had taken him although the right of way. That his car but was braking, skidding, the Court attributed to the summer tires. Also the traffic regulations prescribes that the equipment of the cars must be adapted to the prevailing weather conditions. When driving in the winter, therefore a fine threatens with summer tires. Last but not least, the changeover from summer to winter tires is also economically meaningful. Sommerpneus used in the cold season, increases their wear, because the rubber compound designed to warm temperatures in the cold is getting brittle”, so Michael Borchert. Who fit suitable for cold tyres in October, is so in many respects on the safe Page. He travels safer, avoids fines risked not his insurance coverage and protects his summer tires from premature wear.