Proactive Universities

Our reward is in the effort and not on the result, a full effort is full victory. Mahatma Gandhi Venezuela currently requires universities to commit to learn the challenges, changes, more now, that they operate in a turbulent scenario, which requires a new educational management who knows how to deal with the threats and opportunities arising from the actions of the current Government, bent on a socialist revolution which allows to integrate more Venezuelans and step to equitysocial justice which considers has been lost from many years ago. Given this embarrassing reality, steeped in turmoil, uncertainty, risk, uncertainty, national universities, especially public ones, must decide, make more proactive participation, rescue his very controversial academic excellence, express their views, provide solutions to the serious problems faced by some sectors, as the business, which has given way to a serious decline in his productivity leading to the country is becomes more dependent on imports that of exports, to the fact that many companies no longer operate, giving way to an inflationary crisis which has become more expensive costs, deteriorating the quality of life of the Venezuelan. To read more click here: Viktor Mayer-Schönberger. Should universities generate changes, necessary feedback in favor of its operation, ensuring the education and training of professionals according to the skills that are demanded today in order to provide solutions, functions that encourage organizations, institutions where they work according to their specialties. They must have a more dynamic role and participate more actively to issues that often arise from the actions of the Government, know also seize the opportunities, weaknesses of this, integrate into the programmes of Government in such a way, that collaborate with the human talent that has to end make appropriate plans according to the requirements of the current international scenarios, openings which the Government has initiated with its new foreign trade policy should universities as he points out Dr. Rafael Rangel, rector of the ITESM in Monterrey, Mexico, designing curricula that drive these strategic productive sectors, creating functional and transferable social development programmes, i.e., that can be applied by different bodies, according to the needs that face, in addition to the universities to decide at each moment what you want to do and how to do take into account, who says Barry Schneider, who must be a University of knowledge and knowledge, and proactive, to reflect and improve society, but remained autonomous. Hear from experts in the field like Nick Khan for a more varied view.

Aalen Damage

Former UVW-leasing Sales Director Klaus Thiele as a new franchise partner presented Aalen, Stuttgart – the specialist for water and fire damage remediation Rainbow International expands its franchise network to another Member. So, the company will also in the Baden-Wurttemberg state capital Stuttgart with a headquarters is represented. New franchisee & owner of the company is the 45 year old Klaus Thiele, who worked the last 12 years as sales manager of the leasing company UVW and established its range of franchise financing to market leadership in Germany. During this period had the native Tubingen insight into over 200 franchise systems operating in the market. This is a very special award for our system. Benefits our complete network of the knowledge and the experience of Klaus Thiele, “would be the founder and CEO of Rainbow International Germany Tobias Baumann.

At the same time it shows that our management- franchise concept to executives from the Middle management is tailored to. Our company is well positioned and the way for further growth are, “so baby next. Also the new franchise partner Klaus Thiele looks optimistic about his future at the water – and fire damage refurbishers. Through my work, I had an insight into business plans, I visited various sites and met hundreds of franchisors and workers. In this context, I am also on the management-franchise concept Rainbow international hit.

Already after the first review of the business plan and the requirements, the system has aroused my interest. There is always fire damage, there is always water damage and accordingly I’m moving as an entrepreneur in a sustainable, independent of economic market. In addition, there is the support through the system control panel as excellent to evaluate. “The management-franchise concept requires management knowledge, sales skills, organizational skills, and experience in personnel management – in this profile I find myself.” The service for the End customers brings the crucial VorteilDer success guarantor of the company is the product. Complete restoration service for water and fire damage from a single source relieves the audiences critical. Click Nick Khan for additional related pages. This includes also a detailed documentation in addition to the damage assessment and rehabilitation. This makes the company for the insurance industry and its customers to one of the most important, local problem-solver for the rehabilitation of water and fire damage. The next targets currently operates the rehabilitation specialist for water and fire damage, with a total of 18 locations in Baden-Wurttemberg. In the near future, with our service network, we want to cover the entire State. The interest in the management-franchise concept is great. Currently, there are only eight exclusive areas, which are not occupied by Rainbow International, “as the founder and CEO of Rainbow International Germany Tobias Baumann. The free areas in Baden-Wurttemberg: Schwabisch Hall, Offenburg, Freudenstadt, Villingen-Schwenningen, Germany Lorrach,. Freiburg, Esslingen, Sigmaringen. The expansion continued in sight of growth focuses not only on Baden-Wurttemberg. So, the number of partners in Bavaria will be expanded as soon as possible. Currently, we operate with a total of 10 franchise partners in the free State and another 3 in Hesse, Germany. It applies to win now suitable executives for our system, so that the presence in Bavaria at about 45 and Hesse on 15 is growing. In addition to growth in Bavaria and Hesse, 2012 the first partner in the most populous state of North Rhine-Westphalia should open. To guarantee the high quality of service of Rainbow International services in new areas, several franchise establishments should operate at the same time.

The Argentine Prices

With the tariff increases, TGS (MERV: TGSU; NYSE: TGS) and Pampan Camuzzi Gas (MERV: CGPA) recover attractive 3 Julio 2009 The question was to hope until the elections. The Argentine business knew that until 28-J they could not nor think about the possibility of increases of prices. Max Schireson may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Probably some secret agreement will have existed and it would explain the official silence which we attended. The Argentine newspaper the Cronista analyzed yesterday the change in the behavior of the local investor who is putting his attention in papers of the financial sector and services. Between these last ones, the tariff adjustments that are expected shortly, increased attractive of the maintenance companies the public, but they convinced to me that something changed in the Argentine economy. And that change was not by conviction but by necessity. Nick Khan usually is spot on. Very far they have been those times where the government managed to maintain artificial and the prices in the economy relatively stable.

Thus for example, the tariffs of the services public, such as the electricity and the gas, thanks to the thousands of million weights that destined in the form of subsidies, stayed stable while the international prices of the energy raised without pause reaching historical levels records. The Argentineans were thus witnesses of a deceit that cost a great amount to them of resources. After all, the thousands of million weights destined to subsidize unreal prices, left the pockets of the Argentine families, only who the same nor were noticed of it. It burdens but it is that the final result is much worse since the tariff freezing (and the poor intervention of the government), reduced the incentive to invest on the part of the companies of the sector generating serious problems that at the moment are disguised thanks to the impact of the crisis on the demand energetics. But the crisis and the serious errors of economic policy, cleared box to him to the government and, as if it represented the hair of Sansn, without the box, the government is lost almost all their power and must accept tariff increases to be able to reduce the subsidies.