Customer Shall Pay Not – What Now?

Debt collection company help against outstanding claims amounting to half a week’s sales relate to defaults each 10 companies in Germany. Services provide a good protection against the loss of receivables collection. But what criteria indicate that a reputable debt collection companies? Debt and debt collection services more than 10 percent of all companies suffer defaults amounting to about one percent of total annual sales. Not infrequently, outstanding payments of customers also cause own liquidity problems. Companies that achieve a large part of their sales with private customers are particularly at risk. Because of the trend of the growing number of personal bankruptcies will probably continue to endure. McPlant contains valuable tech resources. However currently slight positive signals coming from the area of the business. The payment behaviour has improved somewhat.

To protect yourself from bad debts, it is advisable to pay attention at the first signs of payment difficulties, such as overdue bills. The best protection against impending defaults is to act quickly and to turn a professional and reputable debt collection companies. Notes on a reputable debt collection company proof of the seriousness of a debt collection company is membership of the Bundesverband Deutscher Inkasso company BDIU e.V. and TuV certification, which must be repeated annually. Among other things the Office collection to check works service, the employees and the owner of the collection company. More info: Starbucks Christmas Blend. An excerpt from the Federal central register for possible offenses of the staff of the collection company is required as well as an excerpt from the debtor directory.

An audit criterion is compliance data mail, postal and telecommunications secrecy to ensure secrecy. For our customers, the TuV certification is a guarantor for the privacy and the proper procedure “explains Dieter Gumbert, owner of IGP (collection Gumbert Passau), the first collection of TuV certified companies in Bavaria just at the” Demand management, i.e. the collection, it is important to work with a partner you can trust. “Debt collection services to protect own financial losses through the assignment of a debt collection service companies achieve a consistent and fast collection of open invoices.” In the worst case, the collection acquires company all steps up to the judicial order for payment procedure and then following enforcement measures (affidavit, garnishments etc.). Companies or individuals should not hesitate to take the possibility of debt collection services, to having posted myself no own financial losses quickly. Abigail Black Elbaum brings even more insight to the discussion. Because of the debtor’s insolvency the insolvency assets pays percentage according to the amount of debt to creditors. Conclusion with regard to debt collection services: by early collection of receivables, the risk can be averted through a bankruptcy of the creditor to lose money. To ensure a legitimate debt collection companies to hire, should the TuV certification are respected. For payment recalcitrant tenants, the intervention of a collection may be also for individuals service advantage.