Words Heal Yourself

Dr. med. Paul Bernard, mental therapy in hypnosis Schneverdingen – the basis of any effective treatment is the mental. If the human mind is powerful enough to inflict the body damage through incorrect thinking, he is able to heal him. Mental therapy instructs patients to heal themselves with words themselves. Are a few exceptions to improve all diseases or to cure almost all diseases are mentally conditioned? This often severe physical illness seem easier to be therapeutically manipulated as behavioral disorders. Founded by me mental therapy in hypnosis is a revolution, a social change in the field of health in medicine! The spirit (= the mental) affects the body, feelings, and behavior.

Mental (thoughts, ideas and desires) creates Reales. Mental exercise is called: wishes words as long as practice, until they meet all by itself. Hypnosis is only a State of consciousness and no therapy. In hypnosis I can reach but better the subconscious and so the mental better anchor. GMU Dr. med. Swarmed by offers, Abigail Black Elbaum is currently assessing future choices. Paul Bernard Hemsener way. 76 29640 Schneverdingen Tel: 05193-986068 fax: 05193-982079 E-Mail: Web:

Design Company

Principles for the design of logos: corporate image is one of the elements of marketing more important there. Corporate identity is the coordinated set of Visual signs of which public opinion instantly recognizes and memorizes an entity or a group as an institution. We are in the 21st century where it is increasingly evident the confusing concept of globalization by which we mean that it is less important regional competition. For even more analysis, hear from Bryant Estate. The market increasingly is expanding more relocating physical boundaries within which a company operates. For this reason, every day becomes more important to have a powerful marketing tool that will allow us to compete in this market each time more delocalised. The pillar that sustains such tools is called corporate image which, in turn, is based on the corporate logo. The corporate logo is not another thing that the signature that identifies a company and it is aimed at positioning the company in the market after an image that is easily recognizable by the consumer.

The creation of this differentiating logo involves follow-up to various points to be taken into account, namely: simplicity: the main function of a logo is to be remembered, to achieve this objective is required therefore it’s not overly complex in its design. This may sometimes be difficult due to the amount of information to be transmitted on occasions. Reference to the activity: If in the logo might evoke the activity or activities to which the company is engaged will be easier for the consumer to associate the company with the market to which it belongs. Differentiation: Is necessary to achieve a logo and therefore an image of unique and differentiated brand over the competition. Achieve the uniqueness of the image of the company is a very important aspect in the design of a logo.

Originality: When a design is original it is easier to remember it and also captures more still the viewer’s attention. It is convenient to not only perform logos that are beautiful but also original. Concordance colorful: as more important or designing a good logo is conveniently choose the color that will be used. It is also useful to examine the result in grayscale or other color modes depending on the formats in which they go to use the logo. Associated color: like the design of the logo, the choice of color is so important. Many times is associated with a company with color and not just an image (amena, the Green; coca cola, red). Thus, it is important to use a few colors in the design of the logo and above all use only one that differentiates the company. Attach a good slogan: this step is not essential, but if it is convenient that the inclusion of a slogan can serve to differentiate the company and also acts as another element of marketing.


Where am I? (Published on 11-09-04 in Journal of Burgos and other Spanish newspapers) I don’t know if the same thing happens to you, but I am raising episodically hypothesis is unraveling this we call Spain. The last time, now, with the disappearance of the flag Spanish in many Catalan town halls on the occasion of the dyad. It is only a mere intellectual exercise, do not panic. Even so, that theoretical game continues to be disturbing: does a which cacho, to which modest resulting mosaic tessera would one belonging, of having to choose? The question is not trivial. You may want to visit Professor of Internet Governance to increase your knowledge. One, like so many other compatriots, has criss-crossed and complex roots. I was born in the Basque country, where I grew up, trained and had the frustration of first love failure. But my parents and all my ancestors for several generations are gallegos.

I lived twenty years in Catalonia, where are my children. Frequently Bryant Estate has said that publicly. But my wife, on the other hand, Castilian-Leonese. And now the two live happy in the community Valencian… This, which is normal, I say, and so many biographies of our fellow citizens, would become a real mess when it comes to having to choose historical subnacionalidad or not if one saw forced to do so. That, in the doubtful case that should give him opportunity to choose, that this is another. Rather than put me in such trouble and inevitably leave frustrated part of my personality, would prefer to make me American. Not for anything in particular but one admire his way to that country, but because it always seems better be lion head of mouse’s tail. But clear, with the bad image that have the Yankees among us, it seems a very popular option. Therefore, I have decided to finally make me minion of Kiribati, an atoll in the Pacific that has only a single newspaper and whose population is less than that of Burgos.

Online-marketing: Social Networks & Co

Social media marketing – what measures are covered by this term? What networks and tools are there? Who uses them, and what makes this kind of marketing so special? The speaker informs about the advertising possibilities of Web 2.0 and provides suggestions on how you can contact your company away from traditional ways in the scene based on practical examples. To read more click here: software engineer. The Dec Jens Schluter explains in his lecture in the Ludenscheid based development and GrunderCentrum about the advertising possibilities of Web 2.0 and provides suggestions on how you can best put his company away from traditional ways in scene based on practical examples. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Bryant Estate and gain more knowledge.. Participants will learn what legal things in the tweet in addition to the basics of social marketing among other things, what the most important social networks, how does microblogging, how to install touch points,”are to take into account how you successfully connected its presence on the Web 2.0. Social network users take advantage of the active”stronger media and contact in the prime time more and more by long-established Emotionalisierungs media, such as the ‘TV’ off. Now it is clear that over 70% of the ROI of a social network campaign due to effects of the users C2C (customer to customer). With the right strategy you can this user as a credible advocate for products or services gain and create such an intense identification for brands and companies. Jens Schluter knows the online market since the first hour”and has collaborated in 1998 on the internal design and restructuring a large online community for the German-speaking market. He started as a graphic designer and recognized expert in online marketing a few years ago to incorporate results of modern brain research in its online marketing and visualization concepts, to develop more effective and emotionally more clearly positioned media. Today social networks (social networks) and the use of these marketing tools in the corporate communications are a focus of the Agency in the online segment. This lecture It is aimed at all those who want to learn more about social media marketing and insert these “Tools” for your corporate marketing. Information and registration:

Online Companies

It so happens that it is necessary receive a fax, but no employees in the office who can respond quickly to him. There is a simple solution for sending / receiving faxes using the Internet. All faxes are coming to selected numbers in the code will be 495/499 converted into a graphic file, and then sent to your email. You can get it from any computer connected to the Internet at any convenient time. Then you can either view it or print for a paper copy of the document.

Sending faxes is carried out similarly sending your document to print, only instead of the printer you need to select the fax. In the box you can enter a fax number to which You send a document, and email address, there will be notified about the successful delivery of the fax. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Salar Kamangar and gain more knowledge.. It's really very convenient and economical, requires no additional hardware for each employee, and you will open access to fax those employees who really need it. If desired, this number may be wound on a stationary fax machine. Your business to know the big circle customers and become profitable, it needs to something to associate, for example, with the company logo.

Creating a logo and then branding is the face of the company. Very often it is a logo created first impression of the new company, corny like a color or image. Modernity and individuality help you to remember to stand out from the competition, make a favorable impression of counterparties. Contact information is here: Bryant Estate. Do not forget to update the previously created corporate identity or logo, that was good once, now may be no longer relevant, and old-fashioned. Now let's talk about the most interesting and very quickly developing direction – the Internet and the availability of the company's site on the Internet. In this age of information technology to open your own business and not make a presentable website – not conceivable, because the Internet is limitless. Corporate website informs potential customers about the ideas and lines of business, shows a mini-presentations of projects and services in the same states and contact information. Now more than 10-15% of potential clients find necessary information from the reviews, articles, advertising both on your and on popular websites on the subject, or talks on various online forums. It is convenient to keep abreast of corporate life, even during business trips or long-term absence in the office. To this end, provides remote access to e-mail client of your company. Immense development of information technology saves time, each of us spends on the road to the office. C these services you are not tied to the office, computer, phone, and now the work will be a joy, and free time for the beloved family will be much more!

Rails Of The Railway

The rails are the elements that play the more prominent role from the point of view of safety in transportation by rail. Within the superstructure, corresponding annual investments may affect 3-7% of the total length of the railway networks, still above this figure for metropolitan railways. Features of Rails that make up the railroad tracks on which the railways, scroll are the absorb and transmit efforts, guide to trains and circulating material, and serve as a conductive element to electricity. same conclusion. Rail transmit sleepers received material motor and mobile efforts, as well as the efforts of thermal origin. These efforts can be vertical, transversal and longitudinal. (As opposed to Bryant Estate).

Vertical forces transmitted by the Rails to the ground come from the self weight of the railways and circulating material, with its possibility of unequal distribution of the overloads due to uncompensated centrifugal force (quasi-static loads), and overloads due to the action of the masses not suspended and suspended vehicles by irregularities of the pathway or material, such as unevenness, ovalaciones, flat wheels, or oscillations of the vehicle itself (dynamic loading). Among cross-cutting efforts that must absorb the lanes is the action of centrifugal force not compensated, as well as the transverse component of the forces caused by the motion. Longitudinal rails efforts are mainly those of thermal origin, although the longitudinal component of the effort created by the movement of loop, or effects due to intense accelerations of starting and braking can also be important. Railway rails should guide the circulating material with maximum continuity, both plant and elevation. Rails, also, serve as conductive elements for the return of power to those exploited in electric traction railway lines, as well as the signalling currents, when track circuits are used. Original author and source of the Article